Tuesday, August 12

A leap year is like the World Cup. It comes along once every four years. It is a year in which there are 366 days instead of the usual 365, because the Earth (did you know?) rotates approximately 362.25 for each solar revolution. That intercalary day is February 29. If you can't do the math, click here.

The protagonist in this watchable local production was named Li-Ann (Li-Lin) and born on that fateful leap day; and most of the significant moments in her life (and this film) takes place during her birthdays. I found the cast endearingly amiable but ultimately forgettable. Many a time I was reminded of life's simple, yet almost always overlooked truths, just by the characters' dialogue. If not for those precious moments of epiphany, watch this show for Corinne May, Asia's very own Aimee Mann.

And no, I do not work for Raintree, GV or Videoezy. I do work for Borders though! : )

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